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July 2024

Sharks and Rays are Awesome!

From the tiny dwarf lantern shark to the enormous whale shark, the over 400 species of sharks come in all shapes and sizes. They have varied diets, habitats, reproduction strategies and migration patterns. Sharks are vital to the health of our oceans, but most species are in decline worldwide.

Working with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the NC Aquariums support programs that protect sharks locally and globally. AZA SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction): Shark & Ray unites organizations that educate the public, study behaviors, protect breeding grounds and work to reduce threats in the ocean. 

Help us help sharks! When you make a donation to the nonprofit NC Aquarium Society, your contribution supports the mission of the NC Aquariums, including the work we do in North Carolina and the work that AZA does across the globe. 

Ready to take action? Join us in an eco-challenge for Plastic Free July! Click the button to join the Roanoke Island team and learn plastic facts and fiction, small changes you can make and new ways to kick plastic! Then join us on Sunday, July 14 for a fintastic day of shark and ray fun!

Summer Camps

Looking for an interactive, STEM-based experience for a child in your life? There are still a few spots left in our week-long Nature Play Wonders camps in July and August. Click on the Summer Camps button to learn more! Aquarium members receive a discount.

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1-800-832-FISH (3474)