Sharks and Plastic Free 🦈

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July 2024

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a yearly event celebrating the millions of people reducing their plastic waste worldwide! The NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores is celebrating online with weekly challenges featuring creative ways to reuse single-use plastic items and plastic-free swaps for familiar items. Small steps can make a difference. By reducing, reusing, refusing, repairing and recycling we can make an impact for good! 

Fins Up for Sharks

Sink your teeth into fun facts all about sharks during Shark Week July 10-16 at the Aquarium. Family-friendly programs, activities and displays share the truth about these often misunderstood creatures. Shark Week activities, free with admission, include information on how to help these charismatic creatures. On July 10, brush up on your shark trivia at a Suds for Sharks event hosted by the NC Aquarium Society – a fundraiser for shark conservation projects at Crystal Coast Brewing Co.

Sharks, If You Please

About 50 of the more than 400 shark species worldwide have been documented in NC waters. Look for three species of sharks at the Aquarium - the sand tiger shark, sandbar shark and nurse shark all inhabit the Living Shipwreck. For a look at how we feed the sharks, sign up for the Behind-the-Scenes Tour: Shark Snack 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. 

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