January 2025

In the final days of fall, Canada Geese cries fill the air overhead and anglers relish occasional warm afternoons when drum are biting.

This month, visitors can expect windy and cold conditions, but plenty of waterfowl remain and fishing shifts to dogfish and skates. Black Scooters, eiders, gannets and loons are around.

Bird watchers from near and far arrive with binoculars, spotting scopes and high-speed digital cameras coupled with long telephoto lenses.

A regular visitor, David True of Kill Devil Hills, sums up bird watching with ease.

“It’s a lot of waiting and then stuff all happens at once – it’s kinda like fishing,” he quipped.

True, a Wright Brothers National Memorial park ranger, documents his outings with a Nikon D 500 digital camera and 200 to 500 mm 2.8 “fast glass” lens.

The Dicksons of Virginia Beach also enjoy birding at Jennette’s Pier. They reported seeing Common Eiders and Northern Gannets. They also had binoculars and Canon Rebel cameras.

The highlight of the day?

“We saw a pilot whale spouting! Kai said. “It was in a group of bottlenose dolphins!”

Laura and son Kai, age 14, are members of the Carolina Bird Club. They were on their second trip to Jennette’s and were looking for Red-throated Loons.

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