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Own-A-Fish! at Pine Knoll Shores

In Memory Of My Father
Dr. Sam Garten

Milan Matey
35 years of teaching

Nick Sikorski
Judy McMullin, Matt Vroom

In Memory Of
Charles Joe & Eva Puglisi

First Hammer
Roy Musser

Jimmy, Maria,
Alexander, James &
Riley Hoopes

Marsh & Jan Cobin
Down the 'Shore'!
Todd JoAnn Max & Lila

In Honor Of
William and Katherine Hall
Love, Your Family

In honor of
William and Ellyn
Easterling, with love

In memory of
Sami Odom
the Sweetest Angel

Nancy, Chuck & John Neely

In Honor of
Frances Smith
Memories Last Forever

Appreciation for
Matthew Hannaman
The Fish Whisperer

Thanks to
Henry and Dot Smith
for Starting the FUN

Carolyn S Winters
Love you Momma

Chris, Heather
Quinn, Brant, and Ellie

In Loving Memory
Jean T. Duncan

Herbert and Klara

A.C. Hall
I'm with her since 1952

The Wickershams

Dot Hall
I'm with him since 19

BigA loves his Shmoopy

In Memory Of Our
Mom & Best Friend
Shirley Frick

In Honor of Marvin
Our Favorite Angler
Love, your girls

For Showing Me How
To Love My Mother, Earth.
Thanks Mom & Dad

Wittkamp Family
Kevin, Stacia, Mikayla,
Meika Bree Abby Emma

In Celebration of
Beach Holidays with Our
Leo/Brookhart Family

In Loving Memory
Robert Taylor Kirkman
Gone Fishing

In honor of our
mother Suzanne Mayer
We love you!

Tom & Linda Tolson
Memories That Last Forever
Love, The Boyer's

Steven A. Majerus
Amazing Daddy~Brother~Son
We miss You!!

In Honor of Gavin Parker

In Honor of
Josey and Tyler Parker

Peace Be With You!
Harrison G. Kuebler

In loving memory
Our friend & co-worker
Karen Parker

In Memory of
Trent Emery Watkins

For the Sea Turtle
Banks, Addison, and Rory

In Loving Memory
Of Rylee Mark Trollinger

May 11, 2013
Brent & Catherine Upton

Best Parents Ever!
Les and Lynda Smith

Bryan, Laurie, Ashley, &
Matthew Stocks

Happy Father's Day
Tim Corley! We Love you!
Sydney Sophie Sawyer

Paradise Found
David Carma Caleb Parker

Austin & Mattie
Love Nenee & Dada

Happy 40th Justine !
Fiona, Finley, & Ryan

As Victoria Casillas
often would say,
"Don�t eat the fish!"

The Parrish Family
Jeffrey, Helen, Shannon,
and Nicholas

Grayson & Logan
Griffith, Caroline &
Lauren Kincheloe

Teri Barry
Love, Boo

Savanna, Cody and Ryder
Love, Grandmom Peggy

Beach Lovers 2015
Peggy, Lin, Angie & Steve
Enid, Jessie & Austin

In Memory Of
Robert Lee & Ruth Jackson
By Daughter Peggy2015

Herbert C. Hendrix
Forever in Our Hearts
1949 - 2015

For The Fish
Shultis Family
Beaufort NC

In Memory of
Billy Burlee
3/20/'61 - 7/23/'15

2008 In Memory Of
Brad Sneeden Love,Carolyn
Bradford And Olivia

John McQueary
Best Dad and Husband Ever
Happy Father's Day

The Foy Family

May you always
enjoy walking the beach

In Loving memory
Jacob Baltosser 1998-2013
Midway Park N.C.

In Loving Memory
of Don Brock

In Loving Memory
Betty Jane Prosek
Love, Chris Prosek

Family Adventures 2016

In memory of Ruth
Mathieson and Margie Skibo
-The Popielarczyk's

The LaSorsa Family

In Honor of
George R. Rouse Jr.
Thanks Dad

In Loving Memory
of our son Alec Willette
Job 12:7-10

In loving memory
of our Papa Don Phillips
By Jack & Remi Thill

Marsh & Jan Cobin
Lila, Max, Clara, Sophie,
Stella, Jo & Todd

With all our love
In Memory of Andy Thompson
Karin & Kate

In Honor of
James, Ayden & Harper Baer
Mimi & Papa Balthrop

We LOVE the
Pete & Willa Johnson

In Loving Memory
John C. Artley

In Honor Of
Jack and Margie Davies
Loving AB NC Since'82

Morgan & Keith
Bay Area to Bogue Sound
Married June 23, 2007

DQ Hiking Club `17
Abell Blake Coates Knoll
Est. 1999

In Memory of
CPL. Jennifer M. Parcell

For My Grandsons:
Christopher,Brian & Emilio
July 17, 2017

Will and Julia
September 9, 2017

Grace Glanden
Granted Angel Wings
August 21, 2017

Wayne Walston
We Live, Love, & Laugh by
the sea! ~CPS~

Boyd Carnal
In honor of your passion
Love, Mom & Bud

Merry Fish-mas, Yvonne!

In Honor Of
Helen and Charles Sheets
Love, S&S

In Honor of
Lincoln Parker

In Honor Of
Bob and Gail Pope

The Parker Family
Jimmy-Lois, James-Lisa,

The Pownall Family
Bill, Teresa, Brian, Mark

In Memory Of
Patsy and Jay Tuttle

In Memory of
Steven A. Tuttle

Emma K. & Amelia

The Davis Family
Joshua, Erin and Delaney
Est. 12/29/2017

In Loving Memory of
Our Shellady
Betty Cummings Edward

Caitlyn Olivia Cox
May 22 2015

In Memory of
Clovis Bowen Loving Wife
Mama Grandma GreatGma

In Loving Memory
Uriah Keith Durham
Love Mom & Dad

In memory of
James R. Hunt, PhD
Penelope's grandpa

Bubbies AF

Mary Ellen
You are my best catch!
Love, Pete Andrews

In Memory of
Carole Welsby
Lets go to the Beach!

In Memory of our
Beloved Granddaughter
Kameron Marie Dobie

In Celebration of
Emily N. Massengill

In Loving Memory of
Vanessa Messing

In Memory of our
Beloved Granddaughter
Kameron Marie Dobie

Pradeep Arumugham
She Owns Me

⬅ They had fun
And Here I am
⬋Neela Mohan

I Own Him
Leigh Patterson

In Loving Memory
of Andrew Jared McKee

Lila Smith

Duncan Smith

Kerline Mohn

Estere Mohn

Isaiah Mohn

Vivian Mohn

Colin Mohn

The Paynes
Emily, Tim
Claire and Cameron

The Birckheads
Caroline, Matt
Anderson and Camille

F/V Annie C
Annie, HL, Whit, & Abby
Brick & Mary Craig

In Loving Honor of
Peter Graf

To our parents who
gave us a love of the sea
Mike & Debbie Cobb

William C. Butler

In honor of
Molly Elizabeth Swanner

McKenzie & Taylor & Zack &
Love GiGi & Ta-Te!

The Oakwood School
Greenville, NC
Class of 2029

Brian Helms
�The Greatest�

In Memory of
Judith M Spitsbergen

Claire Paige Cox
Feb 13 2018

The Walker Family
Tommy & Leigh
Jack, Grady & Ella

We Love You
Piper Lenora Gillikin
GM Starr & GD Curtis

In memory of
David Michael Holton Jr.

Beach Girl Forever
Jacquie Purdy
5/16/64 -12/30/18

Happy Mother's Day
Melissa Austin
Love Merritt & Maddie

Abigail Davy
Allison Davy

In Honor of
Ron & Carrie Tomechko
The Greatest Parents

In celebration of
Betsy and Jay Randall

His Smile Was As
Big As The Ocean.
Roger Duckett-Oohrah!

Justin R. Stallings
Happy First Father's Day
Love, Gatlin

The Codys
Mark and Rebecca
Michaela and Carrie

In Loving Memory
Marian Kutzer

In Loving Memory
of Beach Fanatic
Dr Susan Farrell

The Hagan Family

In Honor of
Leon King Thomas Jr. &
Susan Royce Thomas

In Loving Memory
Dr Jerry Naples
The Sweetest Husband

In Loving Memory
Boardwalk Bird Watcher
Carl R. Shafer

In Honor of the
Creation of the Sea
The Stevens 2019

In Memory of
Papa Dan Cassidy Loved by
Megan Emily Abby

Williams Family
Stephen, Emily
Ella, Katelyn

In Loving Memory
of John Hunter Simpson

In Memory of
Joyce A. Taylor
Mariner's Menu Author

Roy Sanders
Sincere Thanks From
Your Aquarium Family

Parenting Award
Donna & Ryland Paxton
Love ~ The Kids

Love Mom and Dad

In Memory Of
Victoria Mary Ferrante

Papa & Oba
Love you always
Brett & Kelly 2019

Lydia Judge
I Like Turtles

Piper (Miss P)
Mom and Dad

Fred & Marcy
Thanks for Great Memories
Grandsons Dan & Chris

Angelo & Mary
Thanks for Great Memories
Grandsons Dan & Chris

In Memory of
Christopher James Roderick
Brian Ian Michelle

Country Day
Oceanography Club

En Recuerdo De
Julio Antonio Cisneros
10/10/73 - 08/13/19

The Belteaus
50 years of
serious beach time

May 14th 2018
Lillian Charlotte Lee
Our Beautiful Angel

Just Keep
The Boussios Family

John and Manda Marshall
Riley Brody Susie

Kathy & Pat Kelly
AB Sea Turtle Volunteers
Thank you

In Memory of
gold star volunteer

The Bass Family
Joe, Rebecca,
and Alexander

Mary Beth
& Robert

Susie Boyd

In Memory of
Patricia Deans
We Love You!

Sadie And Luke Watson

Keith D Kelley
Loved by friends, family
and feathered ones

Steve Valentina
Tommaso & Mia

In Memory of
Charlene Lechtanski Yates
We love you Nan!

In Honor Of
Wynne and Stephens Taylor

"It's all part of
the experience" In honor
of Charles W Mitchell

a fish for Isiah
find nature''s aDventures
key to puzzLe e=c

The Shore Family
In Memory of our PaPa
John Shore 1948-2020

The Selleck Family
Anika, Evelyn, Ilaina
Oberriet, Sean, Katie

We love you
Linda and Agnew Galloway
The Reck Family

In loving memory
of my big brother,

In loving memory
of Harold "Punk" Cossette

In loving memory
of Tomas Carlos Salas

Robert Britton
Thank you for teaching us
to love the sea

In memory of
Jane Ann Bizzell Walter
Sandy Pages Bookclub

In Loving Memory

For Leia Sweeney
Down Syndrome Awareness
From Raven Sweeney

Aaron M. Curd
Always in our thoughts
Forever in our hearts

TJ & Ronda
Falling in love
Since 1998

In Loving Memory
Husband & Soul Mate

In honor of
George and Dabney Simson
our Grandchildren

The Johnson's
Emerald Isle since 2002

The Carroll Family
Sean, Sarah, and Austin

Feducia Family
O-fish-al Vacation Stop

In Honor of
Bob & Carol Montgomery
Hugs, Great Grandkids

The Andersons
Happy 1st Anniversary
October 17 2021

Since 2015
Where You Go, I Go

Will Tate Wells

In Loving Memory
Col. Bernie Williford Ret.
"The Big Diver"

To Mom, mimi-
Just keep swimming
Love, Your Kids

Best Papa Ever!
Jerry Brown
We Love You

In Honor of
Nancy "Mama" Graham
Love All The Kids

In Memory of
Mary L. Beatty

Love Agn�s and Papa Ber

In Memory of
Alana Danielle Reams
Our Shining Star

2-25-83 to 5-24-21
Mitchel Adam Aldridge
Love Mom and Dad

In Honor
Emery Parker

In Memory of
Larry Towne Autry
1961 - 2022

The Great One
Cecil King
In God’s Country

Megan Dettle
A dreamer. A doer.
Girl Scout Troop 552


Andrew J Cormier
RIP - Watch over all the
creatures you loved

Willis Cable
Construction, Inc.
Greenville NC

The Veneziano Family
Sean, Stewart, Hudson

In memory of Tom
Lane - a great fisherman
and brother

Byrds love Fish
Sam, Harrison, Vivian, M&D
Yaya, Mo & memories!

Great memories
with Nana and Grandpa
Love, Maggie

In Honor of
Cordelia Deans
We Love you Nan!

Joe & Pat
Thank you!
Wylie Family

Love the ocean!
Sawyer, Holden & Adalyn
Marella & Troy

The Ciliendo Family

In Memory of
Lillie F. Best

Andrew Cole Lee
Loved to Infinity & Beyond
February 17, 2023

The Beza Family
Angell, Jackie, Kathy
and Lisa

1961 - 2022

Now Fishing in
Mary Belle Varner

Sent with love for
James + Sonia Lochren

In Loving Memory
Cathy Robbins



In Memory of
Mason Scott Bennett
Forever in Our Hearts

In Honor of
Katie Gray, Logan, Ava
Tyler & Spencer Lynne

In Loving Memory
Of David Lee Tugwell
1973 - 2023

In Loving Memory
of Charles Roderick
1943 - 2020

The Marks Family
Rose, Camille, Poppy
EI - Our Happy Place

Peter, Melissa, &
Rachel Siino

Thank You
Steve Ahn
For Everything

Alec Carlson
Jenna West

Thomas Parry-Hill
Future Marine Biologist

In Memory of
Jim and Mickey Farrington

In Memory Of
Rodney Earl Martin

In loving memory
of Dora �Janie� Salas

In loving memory
of Michael Thomas Coyle

Shane and Shelby
Hooley Wedding
April 6, 2024

Mike and Maria
May 16, 2024

Rising Tide
Horn Family
Carson Ryleigh Emma

In Loving Memory
The world will miss you
Rhonda Turner "Mom"


In honor of
Jane Darden Stephenson

Chet and Carmen Zych

In Loving Memory
Ursula C. (Maerker) Allen
A true Piscean <3

Addie & Drake Webb
Always chase your dreams!
With Love, Mom & Dad

Dr. Hisham Barakat
Brody School of Medicine

Hunter & Amber
Parilee, Sutton & Millie
The Walker Family

To our Mama & Mimi
Sallie Newell
Missing you always

The Bournes
Charlie, Lauren,
Adalee, Alexis

In Loving Memory
Gary A. Chriscoe
C. Thomas Jordan

Wyatt Wiggins,
Your only limit is you!
Love you! Mom & Dad

Grandma Week Fun
Ally & Wesleigh Grubb
Love You Always


In Loving Memory
Tyson Lawrence Such
01/06/14 - 03/12/17

Jesse B Alford, Jr
It’s not about the fish,
only the time shared.

In Memory of
Aidan Emmanuel Bellido
To the Moon and Back

In Loving Memory
Andie Mae Carpenter

In Memory of
our loving mother Susanna
Daniel & Christopher