In Memory Of
Lorch W. Stallings
1894 - 1985

The Caspers - MP16
Making Memories !!

In Memory Of
Martha A. Daniels
Mar. 1938 - Dec. 2011

There's No Better
Place Than the OBX
April G Stephenson

Gone Fishing!
Larry, Jan, Laura & Kevin
The Catlett Crew

Alissa, Kaitlynn,
Addison and Ryder
You are loved!

the joy of fishing
a day well spent....
Bill Baker

John "PapPap" Kime
Gone Fishin May 22, 2010
Clarksville, PA

Christy and Dan
May 19, 2012
a catch of a lifetime

Lela Lederman
Turner Ingram
Married July 20, 2012

Charles Burr
"Fishin Buddies Forever"
Paul Myers

Roger & Joann
Reardon In Loving Memory
Of My Wife Always

Angela The Great

Rae & Butch Bragg
In Memory Of Phill Bragg
Given By Ramona Bragg

In Loving Memory
Harvey and Marjorie White

Your season pass
will never expire!
Love you Casy Rich!

Don and Marilou Phillips

Love Outer Banks!
Johnny and Julie
Maggie and Ava

For Our GrandGirls
GrandDad and Sammy

In memory of
Cecil Vincent Jones

Christian P. Owen
We are very proud of you!
Love, Mom and Dad

The Carthew Family
Mark, Linda
Ben, Amy & Kim

To OBX we go!
W.A. Wells & Ellen Pollard
Charlottesville, VA

June 16, 2012
Lindsey and Canaan Sipe
I'll Love You Forever

Skyline MS
Eighth Grade Trip
April 2012

Kelly and Ernie
November 12th at 3:53
Nothing Like This....

Rick Watkins
We love you, Big Daddy!
Tonya, Kim, & Erick

The Story of Us
Ray & Penny Muslimani
July 1, 2012

Grandma & Granddad
Steele ~ Love,
Dallas,Celeste & JoJo

In Memory Of
Bob & Pinky Goldstrohm
Indiana, PA

~Michael A. Mason~
Forever In Our Heart
~George Alex Bernie~

In Memory of
Dr. James E. Byrum, Jr.

Born the same year
as Jennette's Pier.
William Lister Davis

In Memory of
Linda Grabein
Your Family & Friends

In memory of
Paul "Pop" Celello
Born beautiful not $$

In Memory Of
John and Isabel Croft
Forever OBX Residents

In Loving Memory
Gary S. Gardas
August 1943-July 2011

In Honor of
Louise E. Firmstone

In Memory of
Sue Porter
My best fishing buddy

A Family Tradition
Cullen & Doczi Beach Week
Since 1978

In Loving Memory
Henry Gillam Spruill
5/28/2001 - 4/10/2009

The Goodman Family
Mark, Carol, Kathy, David
Baltimore, Maryland

The Bedford Boys
AL Wright & Skip Goodman
Good Times Remembered

"PaChuck" Stockton
Wonderful years on the OBX
Evan, Brody, and Seth

Bill and Perk

Butch & Vi Garrett
For All Our Beach Memories
Your Grateful Family

In Loving Memory
Garland & Jane Smith

In Loving Memory
Gene Shirley Alton Terry
The Meads Family

In Loving Memory
Captain James R Morgan
Love, The Bass Family

In Memory Of
Darla Jane Havlicek
Loved The OBX 2012

The Adams Boys
Making Lifetime Memories!
Jimmy,Zach and Derek

Tom Etheridge
Gone 2 The Big Pond Fish N
Steve Cathy Karla

In Loving Memory
Elizabeth A Killam

For my Trace
Love always, Mommy

In Loving Memory
Dallas G. Morris Sr.
1931 - 2003

In Memory Of
Lynette Midgett Saunders
We Miss You Mom

Cliff F. Mitchell
Beloved Husband Dad Grampy
& Educator. Love you

Y and R
Fishing Team
Hayes VA

Koal and Jackson
Daddys and Mommys Boys


The Phelps Family
Tommy, Lisa & Wyatt
July 18, 2012

OBX Memories
Junior & Madlyn Cates
We love you!

John R. Lane, Jr.
08-03-1966 06-09-2012
Gates, N.C.

In Loving Memory
Betty & Sam Scariot
Nancy C. Powell

In Memory of
Bobby Whitacre, loving
husband & father

In Memory of
Sharon Herrmann
9 Apr 70 - 9 Dec 10

Grateful for Nate
Nathan Chandler King

In Honor of
Bill and Cornelia Winstead
Your Loving Family

In Memory of
James and Marylene Comer

Ralph "Bud" Dodds
Forever in the ocean
and in our hearts

Our Beloved OBIE
Remember Me
Always Loved Life

Dan & Kathy Brake
This Wasn't "Journeys End"
It Was Just The Start

Ale's and Marcey's
We love OBX !
Summer 2012

The Willifords
Jack (Pops) & Edith (EE)
Windsor, N.C.

"It's All Good"
In Memory of Vickie Davis
Family & Friends 2012

The LaFlesh Family
Good Times Were Had By All
Rich Joyce Brian Paul

Old and New
Thanks for the Memories
Jeff & Billie Jeffery

Dwight & Susie McKinney
Bring it on!

Toby Sullivan
Our OBX Doggy 1996-2012
Love You Forever Son

In Loving Memory
James R. Tynch Jr.
6/30/1952 - 7/28/2012

In Honor of
Timmie M. Tynch
Edenton, NC

August 5, 2011
50th Wedding Anniversary
Tom & Brenda Becker

Larry & Brenda Martin's
50th Anniversary

The Adcock Family
Oxford, NC
Never stop learning

In Loving Memory
Ralph and Natalie Ragomo
Riverton South Jersey

In Loving Memory
of Betty Jane Perry

Marrow Pitt Hdwre
Serving Tarboro, Edgecombe
County For 100 Years

In memory of
Charlotte and Page Hoggard

Forever 23
Teresa Vonderheide

Paws in the Sand
From High Tide to Heaven
Zoe Reed 2001-2013

"Little Buddies"
Tyler and Hudson Parrish
Love, Mom and Dad

September 27, 2014
"Two Less Fish in the Sea"
Dylan & Alyssa Ranson

In Memory of
Roger C. (Pop) Clarke
Pop's Folly

John W Antonetti
Thanks for showing us the
way love & miss you

Wishing You
SE Winds and Tight Lines

In Memory of
Jo-Jo Drumheller 1978-2010
Your Piece of OBX

In Memory of
Harold King 60 Yrs Fishing
Love Jerry Amber Brad

In Memory Of
Linwood J. Brumley and
Ulla-Britt C. Brumley

David B. Marshburn
May the fish always bite
and Bud Lite be cold

Valley Kayaks 2011
World Championships
of Surf Kayaking

World Surf Kayak
Assn. and ESKA thanks OBX
surfers 9/29-10/9 '11

In Loving Memory
Susan Jane Masterson

Partner, Fishing
with you from above
Thurrell G. Bunch

Deb Hank Broo Dawn
Daniel Jen Chuck Ritch Sam
Toby Jule El Hen Jack

Fish On........
Don Becker

Our Grandpa
Henry G. Dowling, Jr.
Isaiah 41:10

In Loving Memory
of our family, The Hunters
Mitch, Liz & Mitch Jr

In Memory of
Lux Amelia
Greenhalgh Borchelt

Perry Turner
Memories are forever
1942 - 2013

Our Best Catch
Tully Smith Thompson
Love, Mommy & Daddy

The Donato Family
Kill Devil Hills, NC
Est. 7-7-77

To Mom & Dad
Nick & Mickey Ferrante
Love, Your Kids

Jerry L. Thacker
Love, Daddy's Fishin Girls
Our #1 Fisherman

John Allen Schmidt
from a son to his father
this is our memory

In Memory of
Bill "Doodle-Doo" Birdsong
Love, White Family

The Shinn's
Mary Etta & Bill
Nags Head & Pratt, WV

In Honor of
Carroll & Evelena Daniels

Mrs. W.H. Thompson
You made it all happen!!
We love you, Dodo!!

John R. Norman,Jr.
Catch his fishing spirit
We love you, Papa

The McBirneys
50 Years of Love

Beach Week Forever
Great Family Memories

Sweet Angel
Our lil fisherman Trevor
Love, Mommie & Daddy

Cordle/French Clan
Controlled Chaos in OBX
"Watch Your Step"

30 SEPT 52 - 6 FEB 13

Pier Pressure
Howard & Melissa Richman

In Loving Memory
John Gurtshaw

Emser Family
Kenneth R, Barbara,
Melissa, & Kenneth J

Granny & Poppy
Thanks for the Memories!
JT, Shay, & Avery

The Rappaports
Jason Nicole Lauren Adam
Life is a Beach

In Loving Memory of
Virginia Langford Hauser

In Loving Memory
Norman R (Bob) Metcalf
10/6/31 - 5/17/13

In memory of
Linda L. Peterson
1943 - 2012

Cheryl Oestmann
Ocean Lover

In Memory of
Steve Robert Beunis
12-3-1957 9-23-2008

Frank West
Fisherman Extraordinaire

Thanks John & Sue
Bothwell for years of
hospitality. G.F.'s

In Honor of Herman
and Maggie Strickland's
11 Children

My Best Catch
In Loving Memory Of
Kaye Howard Anderson

Teresa Jean Byrum
Seashell Hunting
With the Angels

In loving memory
of Pete Huddleston
"forever fishing"

Dave & Sarah Borges
November 16, 2013

The Fishing Trip!
It's Not About the Fish.
In Memory of Big Stu.

In Memory of
Nathan Aaron Lund

Ashley & Anthony
September 15, 2013

Nana & Pup- Thanks
for all the OBX memories.
We love you! L&L

In Loving Memory
of Lt. David A. Slough
Dare County Paramedic

In Memory of
Kellor and Helen Scott
David and Richard

Happy 50th
Zackie & Kathryn Harrell
Love, Your Kids


In Loving Memory
James E. Corwell III

Honeymooning since 1977
Gene & Ginny Popiolek

Gordon M Little
My Brother - My Protector

With grateful love
for Louise & Virgil Ingram
"Just one more cast!"

In Memory of
Christopher Lloyd Buyalos

In Memory of
Donna C. Kitchen
Jan. 23, 2014

The Koppelman
Edenton, NC

In Loving Memory
Marvin Breiholz (PeePaw)
"In Fishing Heaven"


Ernie and Kristin
Married June 18th, 2013
Making Memories of Us

In Memory of
Marcella Fushs
From loving friends

Stephanie Hanzlik
Wife, Mom & Gram
Love & Miss You! 2013

Ben & Whitney Rose
Through all our adventures
together - 7/12/13

Nonnemacker Family
~Since 1991 :)

Krista and Patrick
Hook, Line, and Sinker
September 27, 2014

Mom, OBX MP 16.5
Ocean of Memories With You
Brenda and Brooke

Aunt Soph & Uncle Bill
Great Times Together

In Memory of
Judy Allen & Tom McMurtrey
Beloved Parents

In Memory Of
Kennedy Grace Briggs
- The Kemplins

God Family Fishing
In Memory of Max Saffer

The Lyttle Family

Tony Stiles
Forever fishin' with us!
Your OBX families OX

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandad
We love you! 8/15/14

Like A Rock
James W Moyer Jr

The Wenzlaff's
Wheezie loves Queenie
May 15th, 1998

Nags Head Memories
The Fergusons - Laurel, MD
1972 - Forever!

The Womack's
James Carlton Joey Family
Evergreen VA

(Gone Fishing)
Keith Irving Cotton

In Loving Memory,
Harold "Hal" Edward Lutz
1949 - 2012

In loving memory
Katherine M. Stevens
Always with us

Thanks for the OBX
memories & traditions
Bill & Millie Graves

Noah & Noel Joyner
Have a Great Life
Love, Mom & Dad

In Loving Memory
Drew Vassar - Beloved Son
and Brother 1991-2013

In praise of sand,
blue oceans, and sunsets!
The Stewart Family

In Honor of
Edward & Anne Link

Devlin's Roost
Nana and BobBob
Such a Happy Place!

In Memory of
Our Dear Friend
Pat Ranocchia

In Loving Memory
Robert Carter Batcheller

Meg and TJ
June 6, 2015
Catch Of A Lifetime

June 2, 2015
Bryan & Kim Domholt
Allison, Zach & Luke

Terra Ceia
Christian School
Class of 2016

Ernest H Plante
Thanks for the memories
at the Urban Gorilla

Jordan Wills Goff
Farmville Montvale Ferrum
Jack Marren Emma

The Flock Family
Greensburg, Pennsylvania

In Loving Memory
Billie Marie Frank
In Our Hearts Forever

In Memory Of
Michael Patrick Henthorne
3/15/1989 - 5/28/2008

In Loving Memory
Nick Sileo Sr. USCG 58-64
4/4/1939 - 1/17/2015

In Memory of
Brittany Kaye Smith
5/1/96 to 5/14/14

In Memory of
Brian "Todd" Repass

In Memory of
Claude and Catherine Hale
They Loved the OBX

In Honor of Butch
We love you RWJ,2015

In Memory of
Cole Lewis Roberts
Life Long Friend, Doc

Great OBX Memories
Jane,John,Bob,Sarah Wright
Bath Co. Virginia

1955 - 2015
Forever sea sky and sand
Nancy Ann Easterday

Don and Jean Ryder
Sixty-Five Years Married
Faith Family Friends

Angler of music
and life, beloved son,
Zachary Ryan Smith

Cheryl R. Davis
We will see you
On the other side.

In loving memory
Erik Michael Anderson
"He love da canoe"

Kevin B. Canter
We will always love you
5/28/1964 - 7/05/2015

In loving memory
of our Princess
Cynthia R. Nuckols

In Memory of Billy
William Story Baines Jr
Love your sister DLee

Keep Positive
Sherri Moyer Brooks
1964 - 2015

Lou Winland
OBX was my happy place!

In Loving Memory
John and Doris Parrish
Sun Sand Ocean Breeze

Jack & Deb, Kate & Jon
Falls Church, VA

In Loving Memoryof
Jo Ann Jennette Asby
Reginald & Children

Mike Richardson
Loving Husband Dad & Hero
Our Great Adventure

In Memory Of
Capt Walter J Cloud III
Favorite Fisherman!

OBX has given us a
lifetime of fun!
Dave & Carol Deemer

"Googie" Madison
Fishing Together Forever
Al Madison, Jr.

In Memory of
Jack C. and Lena M. Adrian
Pier Lovers 1973-2014

I miss you, Sis
I guess that I should

It makes no difference

The world is open
to you Joe Everhart!
Love, Aunt Kathy-2016

In Honor Of
John and Mary Reed
Love Anna Marie & Bo

In Loving Memory
Kenneth & Polly Pribble
Evington, Va.

In Loving Memory
Steve Luzi, Dana Davis,
and Joanne Corn

In Loving Memory
Bill and Mary Radoye
Williamsburg, VA

Richie Rose
Loving Husband and Father

G-ma Ruby G-ma Boo
Chay Chay
Papa and Mimi

L E Hauschild
AKA Running Water
Love Wendy & Kelly

Lynn Stanko

Family Fun with
Paws in the Sand!
Dawn Deemer & Santo

Fred & Carolyn
50th Wedding Anniversary
April 2016

In Loving Memory
Kathleen M. Pighinni
Wife, Mother, Grammy

In Memory Of
Gertrude Shick
Janet, Tom and Beth

Eric & Jeanette
"Soul Mates" 12-28-91

Renee Toppin
Washington, North Carolina

Glen & Shelby Long
Together Forever
June 14, 1977

In Memory of
Pat Wemple
We miss you

In Loving Memory
Andrew Landona III

In Loving Memory
Paul H Till Jr. 1942-2016
Deb A Cato 1957-2015

Ryan Wade Newsome
Gone Fishing in Heaven

In Loving Memory
Bennie and Corinne Shearin
Love Mike and Marilyn

My Sweet Man 4ever
"Aubrey "Gene" Edmonds Jr"

In Loving Memory
for a Dearly Loved Great M
John R. Bothwell II

Clary's Rentals
In Loving Memory of
Brenda Clary 41-2011

In Memory Of
Walter R Drapinski
Avon, N C

In loving memory
James Stewart Shannon
Dec7,1985 - May6,2015

Milton&Nancy Smith
Love You Mom&Dad! Shirley,
Brigette,Ray,& Jeremy

In memory of Dad
Earl H. Mawyer Jr.

Holly and Mike
Seas the Day
August 25, 2016

In Memory Donald
Alan McIntire "Pop Pop"
Fishing Flying Family

In Memory Of
Patricia Rankin Schafer -
enjoyed 32 years here

In Loving Memory
Ed Jones
1935 - 2012

George H Sanford
Here with those I LOVE

In Memory of Our
Parents: Bill & Mary Bird
Jesse & June Jennings

In Honor of
Eddie R. Stallings
Edenton, N.C.

Tony Petrillo
Forever Loved + Remembered
9/23/1950 - 6/1/2016

Alex & Toni
September 10 2016

OBX & Family
Beach House Livin'
Gigi & Grampy Askey

I'll meet you when
my chores are through Babe
Richard G. Pighinni

In Loving Memory
Kathleen M. Pighinni
Wife, Mother, Grammy

Chad Dion Garrett
Aug 15, 1974-Sept 9, 2016
Surfer and Fisherman

The Marshall's
Brian, Abigail, Vivian
& Porter 2016

Craig & Jumi McCormick
30 December 2016

Fishin' in Heaven
Art "Lee" McClahon
Love/Miss You 8-17-16

Stories don�t end
they go on & on...
Dawes, RIP Tony

In Loving Memory
of Kim Slough Matheny
09-20-62 to 05-31-16

In Honor of
Lonnie Vann Spruill
From your Children

Friday's Harbor
Jeff & Dorothy Chuday
Est. 2003

Gone Fishin'
Neil M. Cavender
1/21/44 - 10/30/16

In Memory of
Herb and Bette Hahn
Love Chris and Family

Don and Delores
Honeymoon at Jennettes
September 19, 1953

Gail S. Elks
2/9/1939 - 9/29/2016
Always in our heart

In memory of
Dot and Graham Hobbs
Love Is All You Need

Clark E. Brown
Life's short, fish hard

Savannah Kemplin's
1st Fish-2016. We Love You
Dad, Grandma & PaPaw

In Memory of
Mike "Paw Paw" Fitzgerald

I got moneyfish!
for Gary Tomcik from his
loving son & brothers


April 1 1967-2017
Barrett & Peggy Walker
Golden Anniversary

In Loving Memory
Stephen Bayer Red Hook, NY
The Bayer Family

Stu & Liz Symonds
Thanks for OBX beach weeks
Anne, Holly & Chris

Brian, Denise
Bobby & Kevin Earley
Making Great Memories

Memory of My Buddy
Richard 'Bubba' Talbott
Great Coach, Golfer

Forever Thankful
The Parish Family

Mary E Morgan
Grandmother Kellie/Kevin
Fedkenheuer 5/6/17

In Memory of David
and Debra Herrera
Miss you every day, K

Nothing like a day
on the pier with SugarBear
Steve Bayer Tivoli NY

In Loving Memory
Edward (Bud) Fraley

Zachary Ryan Smith
Loved & Remembered Always
Your Sandbar Friends

(Gone Fishing)With
My Son&Farmer Keith Cotton
(Ronnie Keith Cotton)

For Homer & Gin,
Homer III, Tommy & Vickie,
Cora, Jackson & Oscar

Dennis R. Scott
August 6,1953-May 30,2016
Gone Fishin!

Our Pop Pop
Forever Fishing In Heaven
John W Patterson III

Wayne G. Fowlkes
Fishing With Jesus
April 10th, 2017

In Loving Memory
Trevor Perry Claar
Always In Our Hearts

In Loving Memory
Of Carson & Mary Tevault
Steve, Suz & Chris

Mark Daniel Dean
Welcome Home KJV Mark 1:11
Forever Our Treasure

July 28, 2014
Derek & Morgan Haise
Peaceful Easy Feeling

In Loving Memory
Brittnie N Smith 1995-2016
4ever young wild&free

Lifetime OBX Lover
Maxine Ballance Rhodes
& The Simons Family

Paul A. Osborne
Memories of Nags Head
Mile post 12

August 10, 2013
Ryan & Brittany Mitchell
Delmar, DE

Don & Linda
Mark Brian Laura Brandon
Family Founded 2006

Forever Fishing
Pietro "Pete" DiMaio
We Miss You 1951-2017

In Loving Memory
of Marvin Griffin and
Andy Watt

Hal Brindley
I believe I'll go fishing

Forever With Us
Heather Lynn Wilson
8/22/81 - 4/2/13

He's fishin' in
Heaven now. Love and miss
Samuel R. Raiford

In Memory of
William G Sutherland
Fished OBX 1953-2002

Leigh Pace
90 yrs and all I got was
my name on a fish!

To Summer Memories
Dave and Judy Barr
The Barys Family

Branislav B. and
Cirila A. Djordjevic
November 17 2017

In Memory of
Jacquelyn Pierce Herrmann
27 Mar 67 - 7 Dec 16

Let the sea
set you free.
We Love You Mom & Don

27 Oct 2018
Emily Staskiel &
Jon Castillo

Gone Fishing
(Pa) Joe Mitterer

Alan 'AL' Fahey
Fishing OBX Forever!
Until we meet again!

In Honor Of
Calvin & Mary Jane

Always An
Adventure with Potpourpour
I Love You!

Victor R. VanDalen
OBX Memories & Smiles
Chester VA

Eddie R. Stallings
Rather Fish Than Eat
JR DDS Sterling VA

Lorch W Stallings
Rather Fish Than Eat
Sterling VA COM ENG

Happy Memories!
Marjorie and Donald Harris
Love Always

In Loving Memory
Toby Mark Breeden
1952 - 2018

In Loving Memory of
Bob & Judy Roenn
From their daughters

In Loving Memory
1951 George F Bayne 2013
Jason BillFishCowboy!

In Memory of
Patricia Trainum Field
12-8-39 to 8-31-17

In Memory of
Monica Dawn Owens
Our First Mate

In Loving Memory
Kathy Bowker Wife,Mother,
Grandmother.Miss You

In Memory Of
Janet Grinstead Crawford
Forever OBX Love You

In Memory of
Denny and Esther Souris
The Family TFTM!

In Loving Memory
Clif & Jean Mahon
Your Love - Our Gift

Charles A. Murphy
Good Times, Good Memories!
Unit We Meet Again!

In Honor of
Roger A. Robertson
Leader and Friend

In Memory of
Slick Askew 1929-2005
Ahoskie, NC 27910

In memory of
Jeff (Sweet Tea) Keen

Mallare Beach Week
Est. 1992

Gone Fishin'
Charles J. Rakowsky
6/24/40 - 6/29/18

Lewis W Gregory
�Lou-ee� Lifelong Angler
Wonderful Dad

Shawn P Smith
Love Hard Stay Shiny

In Memory of
Phillip Johnston
Love Pam and Megan

Cole, Laura
Keagan, Morgan, Alden

A Lifetime to Love
Mike & Lauren Daigle
Friday May 18th, 2018

In Memory of
Rebecca Leedy Miles
From Family & Friends

In Loving Memory
Mark Howard Johnson

In Memory of
Kermit C.(Bud) Ackiss
Forever in our hearts

Zella Sandra Noel

In Honor of
Indie Turner Petree
Chester, Virginia

Our fishin buddy
We love you Caleb Meadows!
Greatest Son and Bub

In memory of
Frankie King
We Love You

David "Coach" Atkins
Always in our Hearts!
Gone Fishing 11/26/16

J. Michael Edwards
Always In Our Hearts

For My Heart:
Christopher & Brooklyn
You Both Are My World

In Loving Memory
Safe in God's Arms

Tim Ronan
The catch of a lifetime
Love Lori

In Memory of
Herb Lewis aka Mr. Turtle
08-18-47 to 04-11-92

In Memory of
D D Shumway VI
Carolyn Shumway

Charles Kemplin
King Mackerel 53.5" 47.7lb
August 23, 2018

To Loving Parents
Lyle & Bette Fitzgerald
Anthony & Trevania

Happy Wedding Day
Alexa & Tyler Bazemore
November 17, 2018

Charles Kemplin
King Mackerel 53.5" 47.7lb
August 23, 2018

Thanx Gigi & Dole!
Many memories & laughs :)
LoveSEL, JMK, CAL2018

The Woodson Family
An Ocean of Memories

The Cole Family
In Loving Memory of
Dianne Asby Cole

Tracy Pia Bayne
Love and Laughter Always
Always MomLilBitMimi

Cassidy Lee Jones
Holden Joseph Jones
From Granddaddy Jones

Pop Pop & Mamaws
Hoover Jr. & Larue Archer
We Love You!

Forever By The Sea
Patricia Gail Dougherty
Apr5 1935-Oct24 2004

In celebration of
many happy OBX memories
The Remorenko Family

In memory of the
beautiful Mariah Moore
Peace and Love

In Loving Memory
of Forrest Edward Hager
67-03 Loved OBX Mom

Zeddie & Virginia
Memories & Fish Tales

In Loving Memory
William "Jerry" Kain
Fins to the Left

The Urbines
Louis, Lisa, Chey & Austin
Powhatan, VA

Frank Jennings III
NC Div. of Coastal Mgmt

Fishing in Heaven
Bobby Lassiter
Haw River, NC

Phillip Roy Smith
Gone fishing with Jesus
February 9, 2019

1959 JohnLDaniel,Jr 2018

In Memory of
W.G. "Doug" Winn, Jr.

In Memory of
Linda Coleman, Bill Elcan,
& Butch Covington

Shawn & Chelsea
June 15, 2019

In Memory of
Owen Scott Barber
Our lil fishing buddy

Family Tradition
David & Sheila Hock
and all the kids

Happy Father's Day
Phillip Garrett-We Love U!
Lisa, Wayne & Bridget

Scotty William
Best Catch Ever!
SHMILY? Shawni

Joe Tugboat Echols
Touring the Universe
January 27, 2019

Sandy & Dave Cahill
40 Years of Love

In Memory of
Pop Pop Scott W Clarke
Glass Dolphin Capt.

40 Years Of Fishin
Dave: Friends Always

The Start of a
Beautiful Family - Kenny &
Christy & Korbin 2015

In Loving Memory
Kenneth and Joe Liptrap
Father and Son

In Memory of
John M Washburn
Ridgeway Va 1956-2015

In Memory of
Our Dear Friend
Dan Niswonger

Vicki Fragale
Mermaid Forever

8/2/14 til Forever
Matt, Mariellen,& Scarlett
Rosen Family 8/2/19<3

In Loving Memory
Lou Ray Wobbleton (Mom)

Pat & Julia Farris
Carolina On Our Minds
Since Aug. 19, 1989

Duke Roseman
Happiness Is Fishing With
My Dad. Love You!

Jeff Eason
Mountain to the Sea

Patrick Ronan
6/22/1960 - 5/12/2019
Gone Fishin

In Sweet Memory of
Wayne Wesley Miracle
Beloved Fisherman

In Memory of
Dewey & Phyllis Coffey
& Stella Rutherford

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Miller

Nathan Kemplin
Drum... Got eeem!!
I Love you, Mom

In Loving Memory
of Rick Slough
Henrico Deputy Sheriff

Jake and Lucy

In Memory of
David Lee Mesimer

In Memory Of
Courtney A. Moran (Webb)
We love you Coco!

In Memory Of
Pamela Frisbie Hill
See You In Paradise!

In memory of
our darling mermaid
Wendi Clark Trant

In memory of
Michael J. Visnauskas

In Honor of
John and Florence Baer
Love Your Family

Wishing you happy
memories. From our family
to yours. -The Ratays

In Loving Memory
of Woody Markham
Enjoy the View!

In Memory Of
George Price Preikszaitis
Always In Our Hearts

We miss & love you
Donald and Flora Clayton
Patsy Carter

We love you
Pawpaw & Grandma Rawlings
Love, Cori, JD & Guy

Walt Teffar
Manlius, NY

Memories made at
the beach last a lifetime.
Terry and Pam Roof

- Psalm 93:4 -
Cheryl & Kevin Presto

In Memory of
Hugh and Bettie Voress
Always with us in OBX

In Loving Memory
Douglas M. VanDevander Sr.
1943 - 2019

Our Happy Place
Hyun, Misty, Mya, & Mario
Pittsburgh & Sterling

Your Spirit Lives
Michael Paul DiGrazia
Always In Our Hearts

May 2020
Alyssa & Travis Stewart
We said I do in OBX

Lester and Kelly
30th Wedding Anniversary

Little Angel Rex
11 Best Years of Our Lives
Love Mami Daddy Teeny

June 13, 1970
Until heaven-Then forever
John and Amber Isoldi

"Baker's Dozen"
Steve and Sandy Perkins
CBA + 5

In Loving Memory
Roberta & Frank Fede
Love, Kari & Paul


Linda F. Rose
Loving Mother & Nana
Swim with Dolphins

Gerald F. Barnett
Jan.27,1943 - Mar.13, 2019
Oklahoma University

John W. Croft
Born March 17, 1944
Beloved Brother

Lawrence V Skipper
6/14/1944 - 11/3/2019
Roanoke Rapids, NC

In honor/Pat Osso
Dad, Thanks for OBX life!
Jeanne & her Family

For Will Nelson
Our Amazing Dad and Pop
We Miss You So Much

In Memory of
Joe Perez "FIGHT-N-LADY"
Friend of Heritage Pt

In Loving Memory
Ann Jennette Bunch Beals
07-27-1933 11-18-2019

In Celebration of
Emily N. Massengill

Janette Strickland
Charlie Billy Peanut Mark
Forever Cherished

It's Cocktail Hour
Cecil & Betty Heishman
Diamond Anniversary!


Cecil & Betty
Farmers Friends
Thanks a Bushel !

Coleman Family
Aryn, Erin, Maya & Brayden
Surfs Up

in loving memory
R. Chris Jones

Lee & Dave Benner
"Pelican Patrol"
We love OBX

Rest in Peace
Chris “Cookie” Jarvis
Go Niners!!

Mr. and Mrs. Keating

Howard & Hazel H
Caught the largest fish
of the Family

In Memory of
Anna E. Simpson
Rayford D. Simpson

In Memory of
Preston & Opal Carpenter

Norm and Marty’s
Happy Place is

Josh Johnson #32
11/29/2004 - 06/07/2021
“Loved By All”

In memory of
Ira Clifford Kirk
1940 - 2020

In Loving Memory
Gladys Ward 1941-2020
OBX fixes everything.

In Loving Memory
Gray Everette
Tight Lines Forever

In Memory Of
James P. Melka Jr.
1939 - 2004

In Memory of
Dylan Thomas McCormack
9/17/2000 - 3/21/2021

In Loving Memory
Charles Hardy Parker

To Swell Times
Ralph and Terry Newman
Love, Kurt

Sam Short
Fisherman, Bohunr, and
a damn great Daddy

In Memory of
Tom Wallace
My Spot in the OBX

Spring Break 2021
Secret Tunnel Adventures
Baylee, Ella, Kelly

In loving memory
Lauren Ashley Counterman
3/14/89-2/25/20 luv u

Schummer, Rensing
Meyer and Clark Families
5 Generations on OBX

In Memory Of
Jacob Aulman Vick
by Kevin,Robin,Morgan

Walter M. Spaeth
1950-2020; UNC '72
Davie Circle Family

In memory of
Kevin Chatman White
We love you so much

We love you Andy
"Gigi" Rest in Peace
From your favorite

OBX - Memories &
future adventures, Bill
Sandy Clark & family

For 'DawDaw" & Don
Camille & Donald Campbell
A Fishin'' We Will Go

We love you
Clyde & Mary Hazelwood.
Andy, Rachel, Nichole

Let 'er rip buddy!
Joe E. Smith
1952 - 2021

Those We Love
Never Truly Leave.
Debra Lynn Burgess

In loving memory
James M. Heltzel
husband, dad, grandpa

In memory of papaw
Larry Wilson of WV
Nathan, Allie, & Kyle

In memory of
Kevin Michael Zaug
Forever in our hearts

In Loving Memory
Emily Claire Beyea
Love Mom Dad & Billy

The Boyle Family
Walter, Mikki,
Nicholas, & Molly

Michael Frasketi
Happy Father''s Day to

In loving memory
Marvin and Mable Griffin
Andy Watt

In Memory of
Tommy "Pugsley" Craddock
Pootarackasacky Pop

Bo and Janet
July 25, 1986

In Memory of
Joseph Russell Morgan
Joe - Dad - Pop

Earlene Dixon
InHonor of Our Beloved Mom

In Loving Memory
Carolista Baum
SOS Jockey''s Ridge

In Memory of
Annie L. Kerns
Mom, Grandma & GG

Mamaw, Gagaw
Sean, Caitlyn, Connor, Ian
Noah, Arianna

In Loving Memory
of Leonard L. Wilbourn

The Hansells
Barb & Newt, Mark, Jeff
Tim, Steve, and Julie

~ OBX ~
Our Home Away From Home
Joe & June Hendershot

In loving memoryof
Barney Joe Geoghegan
Sean, Heather, Oliver

Jerry & Darlene
Happy 40th Anniversary!
Love, Chris & Jackie

Hugh "Honey" B.
Great Father, Friend and
Fisherman. Stu's Crew

The Toering Family

In Honor of
the Keith Clan

Russell Mundy
You are loved so much!

Kimberly Smith
Forever In Our Hearts

Vu Hoang Duong, MD
"The Fish Slayer"
Indianapolis, Indiana

Erin Meyers
Healing the World
Quinn Olivo

In Memory of
David F Phillips

John Leabhart III
9/23/1958 - 9/29/2021
Oh how he loved OBX!

Bruce and Scott
Memories-Betty Mike Jane
Tina Gerry Rosemary

In Loving Memory
Julie Sebastian Gray
The Gearing Family

Gillispie Family
Tradition Continues
Madison Heights, VA

In Loving Memory
June K. Gillispie
Madison Heights, VA

In Loving Memory
Frankie Robbins
7/6/1973 - 9/9/2021

Happy OBX memories
Forever in our hearts
Joseph G. Streb Jr.

In Honor of
Soren Arn-Oelschlegel

In Memory Of
Glen Michael Reynolds
1960 - 2020

In memory of
the Catch of a Lifetime
Lyndi Lehr Barker

July 29, 2021
Claudio & Lisa Morson

Yo Yo: A little
bit of crazy & a whole lot
of heart! Love You!

Brian, Amy
Madee and Travis

Sarah,Alex,Nancy &
Jimmy Middleton
Charles Overstreet

John & Bob Bosco
Father and Son Traditions
for Generations Ahead

In Loving Memory
Logan Blake Finch
Love Always Your Mom

Albertson Family
Bill Christy Billy Tommy
Daisy Our Fav Place

In loving memory
Sandra Ann Wilkerson
Jesus Loves You

David M. Harcharek
Endless summer
Love you, Kim & Chris

Phat''s Spot
Fishing, Laughing, Loving.
Your Chungs

In memory of
Judy Osborne

Aubrey Dean Tynch
❤ Husband Dad & Granddad
Isaiah 41:10

Kevin & Shirley
Matthew, Noah, Elisabeth

Garry & Beverly

In Memory of
Elizabeth Herrmann Barboza
28 Nov 73 - 22 Feb 22

In Memory of
Wes and Connie Peck
We love and miss you

Sean & Brittany
Established 7-15-2022

Kitty Hawk, N.C.
August and Susan Ferretti
M.P. - 4.5

I would trade
all my tomorrows for a
single yesterday

We Love You
Emersyn Claire Sweitzer

Townsend Family
Memories since 2011

Our favorite place
John and Betty Miller
John David Sharon Ann

In Loving Memory
Jeff Wright
Husband Father PawPaw

In Memory Of
Jeanne Cross, 1936 to 2021
Always room for Lody!

Kenneth B. Sloane
In loving memory of your
seasons in the sun

Christian Harbom
Tight Lines In Valhalla
1982 - 2022

Liebste Jessica
Love Always and Forever!
Deine Potpourpour

In Loving Memory
James E. Cameron
Husband, Dad, Friend

Karsen Cervi
My best memories were
made in the OBX!

“Birthdays are
best spent at the beach”
Roland Baskette Jr

The Outer Banks
Dave Young & Pat Maggi
Our Happy Place

In Loving Memory
of Joe and Jess Shotko who
loved to fish the OBX

Sonja and Don
Manteo, NC

OBXcited 2019
Jesse, Nicole, Mia
Evan, JJ, Siena

Frayser & Matt
Jennette''s Pier
October 16, 2022

In Memory of
Lucie Bryant
Just One More Cast

Noelle & Anthony
June 11 2022

L. Jeff Phipps Sr.
LODD 7-18-2021

You & Me
August 2, 1997

In Memory of
Jada Marlowe
We love you Uncle D&C

Always With Us
Hunter Kristian Sondberg
6/24/86 - 8/8/20

Lee and Barbara
OBX Souls

Granna and Poppy-
Thanks for the memories!

In loving memory
Norman H Tadlock Jr
1948 - 2021

In Loving Memory
Gary “Bear” Manus
Always In Our Hearts

The Nails
Josh, Angela, Coralline,
Shelley, and Bodie

Happy Anniversary
April and Mike Whitaker
Lexington NC

Paul & Dorothy
McNulty Family Making OBX
Memories Since 1970

In memory of
Donald “Don” Parker
Keep fishing

Richard N Taylor
Huntin & Fishin in Heaven
Forever Loved

In memory of
Mark B. Robins
Living the dream

Kevin & Mary Jones
Logan & Makenzie Jones
Zach & Leah Jones

In Loving Memory
John and Patricia Crawford
Southern Shores, NC

The Case Family
Dave Maribeth Owen Andrew
Foster Wilson Indy...

SBC OBX Forever
Gary L "Butch" Gifford Sr.
Gary L Gifford Jr.

Fishing together
Beloved memories forever
John & Pam Breeding

In Memory of
Brenda Teets
Tom,Thomas and Travis

Gone Fishing
Love You Always
Jim Duncan 1954-2021

Kelley Eugene May
Forever in our Hearts

In Loving Memory
of Marion and
Elizabeth Carroll

Herbie Hodges
Loving Dad & Grandfather

Hauling in Heaven
David E. Ritchey "PANCHO"
10-4 Good Buddy

In Memory Of
Adam Alexander Simon
Our Friend & Coworker

Wendy Gay Irvine
Wife, Mother & Friend
NOV 1952 - DEC 2022

Chris T. Redford
See A Need Meet A Need
4/1/1987 - 4/18/2017

In Loving Memory
of Jackie Eby
Loved the Beach

Randy D. Beets
7/21/1962 - 3/10/2023
Mohawk, TN

Mimi & Papa Snead
Love, Aaron, Brian, CD
and families

10-2-01 to 4-16-23
Christian Blade Scott #10
RIP Sweet Boy 143

Honoring two men
who love the Outer Banks
R.M. and Rob Garner

Sunset C's
Angela & Bill Cotton
Love Tom & Joe

In Loving Memory
Wayne Collison "Pop"
2/7/1952 - 6/23/2023

February 3, 2024

Aubrey & Chris Anderson
Established 1973



In loving memory
Patrice Sevilla Anderson
7/17/1958 - 8/12/2023

Maylon White
Dedicated Leader
Of the NC Aquariums